From $6,000 to $73 billion: It took long time to create wealth for this man , But he kept on Doing it ...
How to invest in
Have you started Equity investing ?
Or still not sure about it ! If so then let's try to clear your some doubts --
The Indian Index- Sensex, which began its journey at 100 in 1979 has traversed all the way to 60,000 in 2021.
The move from 10,000 to 20,000 on the Sensex happened in exactly 21 months in Oct-07.The final move from 50,000 to 60,000 happened in just 8 months .
If you had invested in the Sensex in July 1990, your money would have multiplied 60-fold in 31 years implying CAGR returns of 14.12%
" Its amazing in past
What about Now ? " ...
Why You need to invest in Equity 2021
This is what equity investment can do ! offcourse Not
everyone become like this person but it doesn't mean noone can !
You will ask , WHY only Invest in Equity if there are other options like - Real estate,Gold , Arts ,Business etc.
Yes ! you are Right , And you can invest in these Also -
But Why Equity : - Here are some Answers -
1 - Very easy to liquidate ( sell ) even if you have crores of shares , Except for penny stocks
2 - You can know about your invested Companies news easily
3 - Most regulated Exchange in the World . It ensures transparency & Investor protection
4 - Fully Digital Transaction facility , Gives freedom to add , remove funds anytime
5 - Start with very small Investment of Few thousands , Increase as you wish
6 - Opportunity to Become part of the Companies growth & Countries economy
7 - Easy transfer of Assets possbile . Add ,Change , Remove nominee easily
8 - Gives you Diversification benefit.You can invest in Different sectors , Companies as per your requirements .
9 - Hold shares in electronic form , No maintainance like physical assets
10-One of the Best performing assets which has ability to beat inflation
We learn everything from people who have been through it , We have 15+ Yrs experience
Ethical Guidance
We follow it as we are not in to making just money but creating eise investor's society
Since past many yrs we havej practised what we preach in investing, So as to give best
With us every investor becomes copy of us to follow the true method , discipline of investing
Now,You Convinced ! But still thinking what advantage you get when investing through us
Remember investment is not like shopping online ,You Buy and Forget , Its long term process and to win the race you need handholding from right expert ! Saving charges is not the key goal , Instead learn & earn profit is ...
One more advantage of investing in Equity is you have all the Data for past many years to see the results ! Yes , Can you have it for any land , Gold or other inevestments ? Not sure ...
check the list of stocks for 25 years , we all have been using their services / products , Then why not partner with them by investing in it .
Its never Too late to start investing ...
" Sensex can Hit 5,00,000 Levels in next 15 -20 Years .."
is it possible ? what you think ! if yes .. then what you should do , START investing .. True , Key rule is never copy other's but invest as per your own risk profile , all the best !